We help YOU, the busy man or woman get the look, feel or physical performance capability YOU want, in the time YOU have, without disruption to YOUR daily life.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Week #4: Monday November 9 - Saturday November 14, 2015

Monday November 9, 2015
“Getting over a painful experience is much like crossing monkey bars. You have to let go at some point in order to move forward.” – C.S. Lewis
A – Dynamic Warm-up & Hip Mobility
B – 30/30 X 4
30 seconds work, 30 seconds rest X 4 rounds = 20 minutes.
1 – Push-up & DB Row Combo
2 – KB Swing
3 – Reverse Lunge & 2 Hand Band Drive to Ankle Touch
4 – Slide Ham Curl
5 – Ab Slide
C – Finish: 15/15 Squat Jump, Bear Crawl, Skaters Hop, Bootstrappers

Tuesday November 10, 2015
“If you never budge, don’t expect a push.” Malcolm S. Forbes
A – Warm Up
B – Escalating Density Circuits

Maintain the same intensity level through each cycle as the work sets get longer while the rest periods get shorter.
1 – Goblet Squats to Box
2 – Push Up w/4 Sec Pause
3 – Gallows Row
4 – Band Pull Through
5 – “V” Seated S-2-S DB Press
C – Finish: 15/15 Hula Hoop & Mountain Climb

Wednesday November 11, 2015
“You were made to soar, to crash to earth, then to rise and soar again.” – Alfred Wainwright
A – Warm-up
B – 30/30 Training
30 seconds of work, 30 seconds of rest X 4 rounds
1 – Heavy Prowler Push
2 – Atomic Plank & Pike Combo
3 – Feet Suspended Mountain Climb
4 – Lateral Lunge Step & Rotational Band Press
5 – Wall Ball
C – 10/3 Core Stability: Wall Braced Dead Bug Hold L&R, Glute Medius Hold On Wall L&R, Table Top Hold

Thursday November 12, 2015
“It is possible to store the mind with a million facts and still be entirely uneducated.” – Alec Bourne
A – Warm-up and Hip Mobility
B – 30/30 Training
1 – Knee Friendly Lunge w/MB
2 – Deficit Offset Pushups
4 – DB Squat & Press
5 – KB Suitcase Carry
C – Finish: 20/10 Plank In & Outs, Bag Work, Mountain Climb, Jump Split Squat

Friday November 13, 2015
“The way to love anything is to realize that it might be lost.” – G.K. Chesterton
A – Warm-up
B – 30 Second Complexes
30 seconds of work X 6 exercises followed by 1 minute recovery
1 – McGill Crunch Hold w/MB
2 – Squat Jump to Split Squat Jump Combo
3 – Horizontal Squat
4 – Push Up w/Contralateral Elbow/Knee Touch
5 – SL Hinge w/MB – Left Side
6 – SL Hinge w/MB – Right Side
C – Finish: 15/15 Reverse Bear Crawl, 4 Sec Squat Hold & Quick Return, 4 Square Hops Clockwise to Counter Clockwise, DB Sprint Arms

Saturday November 14, 2015
“Look within, for within is the wellspring of virtue, which will not cease flowing, if you cease not from digging.” – Marcus Aurelius
Stacking KB & Bodyweight exercises
Swing :30 per hand
Rest :30
Swing :30 per hand, Pushup :30,
Rest :30
Swing :30 per hand, Pushup :30, Goblet Squat :30
Rest :30
Swing :30 per hand, Pushup :30, Goblet Squat :30, Underhand Row :30 per hand
Rest :30
Swing :30 per hand, Pushup :30, Goblet Squat :30, Underhand Row :30 per hand, Squat & Press :30 per hand
Rest: 30
Swing :30 per hand, Pushup :30, Goblet Squat :30, Underhand Row :30 per hand, Squat & Press :30 per hand, SL Hinge -R :30, SL Hinge - L: 30