We help YOU, the busy man or woman get the look, feel or physical performance capability YOU want, in the time YOU have, without disruption to YOUR daily life.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Weel #4 of Session # 8

Summertime is here, and it's a great time to be a Firestormer!

Here's this weeks events:

Monday June 18 - Week 4 - Day 1

"The turning point toward change and action is not the infilling of the mind but the exercising of the will."- Chris Widener

A. Dynamic Warm-up & Hip Mobility
B. Partner Shuttle run competition
1. Sprint 20 yards out, 20 mountain climbers, 20 yards back
2. Partner goes
3. Sprint 40 yards out, 20 mountain climbers, 40 yards back
4. Partner goes
*Repeat for 3 total rounds*
C. Team Races with the Toys!
We will play two 12 minute games
1. Burpee x 15 = 1 point
2. Slam Ball x 20 = 1 point
3. Kettle bell Swings x 25 = 1 point
4. Dips x 30 = 1 point
6. Tire sprint 60 yards out then back = 1 point
D. Post Training Stretching

Tuesday June 19 - Week 4 – Day 2

"We must all suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret."- Jim Rohn

A. Calisthenics - Hip mobility
B. Tabata Style Superset
1. 20 seconds of Rows
2. 10 Seconds rest
3. 20 seconds of Push-ups
4. 10 Seconds rest
*repeat for 8 rounds, 8 total minutes*
**Score your total amount of reps**
C. Leg Warmer
1. Sprint ends, run sides
2. 15 Push-ups
3. 30 Walking Lunges
4. Sprint side, run the rest
5. 15 Star Jumps
*As many complete rounds as possible in 18-21 minutes*
D. Post training Stretching

Thursday June 21 - Week 4 – Day 3

“Wanting, or intending, is the beginning of the Creating Process, and without it, no deliberate creation will occur. But most of you are suppressing your desires, to avoid disappointment.”- Esther Hicks

A. Calisthenics - Hip mobility
B. Team Training

Break into teams of three to four.
GAME ONE = 12 minutes:
Run twice around the court:
20 Kettlebell Swings
20 Dips
20 Total walking lunges
Mark a point for your team
GAME TWO = 12 minutes:
Run twice around the court:
20 Total step-ups
20 Pushups
20 Total Reverse Lunges
Mark a point for your team
C. Stretching

Friday June 22 - Week 4 – Day 4

"You can do anything if you have enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is the yeast that makes your hopes rise to the stars. With it, there is accomplishment. Without it there are only alibis." - Henry Ford

A. Calisthenics - Hip mobility
B. Bottom to Bottom Tabata Squats
20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of a static hold in the bottom squat position repeated for 8 straight sets. Your score is the TOTAL amount of reps you get over all 8 sets
C. Rope Rows and...
1. Renegade Rows x 20
2. Broad Jump x the width of a basketball court
3. Walking Lunge the width of a basketball court TWICE
4. Sprint width of court, jog the length x 2
*Repeat for as many full rounds as you can in 23-28 minutes*
D. Stretching