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Sunday, July 15, 2007

Welcome to this weeks round of fat burning exercises! Let's go!

Week 3 - Day 1

"Motivation follows action." - Robert Ringer

A - Dynamic Warm-up & Hip Mobility
B - Partner up Race Instructions & Circuit
Divide camp into Teams of 2, then pair 2 teams together
*Team Number one: Partner #1 does 20 Dumbbell Push Presses;
then partner #2 will do their 20
*Team Number two: Do as many Burpees as possible until team #1 is done
*Switch roles, winner is the team who has the most Burpees
*All paired teams, i.e. Team 3 and Team 4 are having the same race as Team 1 and 2.
**Best Two out of Three, then switch paired teams**
Click here for a video of 2 teams competing
C - Shuttle Run Circuit Instructions & Circuit
* Partner up - One goes first, then Partner goes second
*Run 20 yards, Perform 10 jumping lunges total, Run back 20 yards
*Partner follows with same circuit
*Run 40 yards, Perform 10 squat jumps, Run back 40 yards
*Partner follows with same circuit
*Run 60 yards, Perform 10 squats, Run back 60 yards
*Partner follows with same circuit
*Rest One Minute and then Repeat at the start for 3 total sets
D - Cool Down and Stretch

Week 3 - Day 2

"How very little can be done under the spirit of fear." - Florence Nightingale

A. Hip Mobility, Cal's and Court Sprints
B. Set the Table
Max effort repetition in 1 minute - keep track of individual exercise records:
1. Kettlebell Swing x 1 min
2. Slam ball x 1 min
3. Dumbbell Push Press x 1 min
C. Serve it up
1. Run once around court
2. Perform 10 Push-ups
3. Perform 15 Walking Lunge each leg
4. Sprint to end of court and back
5a. Perform your previously recorded repetition max number for Kettlebell Swing
*Repeat circuit starting at beginning*
5b. In round two Perform your previously recorded repetition max number for Slam ball
*Repeat circuit starting at beginning*
5c. In round three Perform your previously recorded repetition max number for Dumbbell Push Press
**As many complete rounds as you can in 22-28 minutes**
D. Post Training Stretching

Week 3 - Day 3

"Focus on remedies, not faults." Jack Nicklaus

A. Dynamic Warm-up & Jump Rope Runs
B. Partner Shuttles with Burpees
C. “300” Training

25 Ring Rows
50x Kettle Bell Swings
50x Push-ups
50x Box Jump @ 17 - 24” box (Alt is Step-ups)
50x Floor Wipers
50x DB Clean and Press (DB or KB must touch floor between reps)
25x Ring Rows
D. Cool Down & Stretching

Week 3 - Day 4

"Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance." Samuel Johnson

A) Warm up: Lunge stretch - lateral band X walk - inchworms (60s at each)
B) Four Phase Training
Two minutes rest between Phases.
Phase One:
Slide Lunge with Overhead Press (60s each leg)
Push Up Variations (60s)
Plank (60s)
Side Plank (60s each side)
Phase Two:
Single Leg RDL (60s each leg)
High Stretch Tube Straight Arm Rows (60s)
Reverse Crunch (60s)
T-push ups (60s)
Burpees (60s)
Phase Three:
Single Leg Dead lift (60s each)
Dips (60s)
Reverse Plank (60s)
Reverse Lunge (60s each leg)
Phase Four:
Squat Jump - Squat - Squat and Hold (20s each - 3 circuits)
C) Cool Down and Stretching