We help YOU, the busy man or woman get the look, feel or physical performance capability YOU want, in the time YOU have, without disruption to YOUR daily life.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Week #3 - September 14 thru 18

Today is the beginning of the 3rd week of this current 4 week session of classes at the finest fat loss and fitness experience San Antonio has ever seen. If you're truly serious about dropping the fat and getting that "beach ready" body, come join us. And we've added an evening class, so there's no excuse NOT to train with us! New members receive 2 weeks FREE to try it out. For more details go here: http://twurl.cc/1g20

Monday September 14
"Action without thought is a form of insanity; Thought without action is a crime." – Albert Einstein
A – Calisthenics and Planking
B – Let the Countdown Begin
Spiderman Push-ups
Slide Lunges (per leg)
Turkish Get-ups w/DB or KB
* 75 Jump Rope after 21, 15, 9, 3
* 2 Laps After 18, 12, 6

Tuesday September 15
"Belief is the thermostat that regulates all success." - Anonymous
A – Dynamic Warm-up and Hip Mobility
B – Suicides x 2
C – Workout of the Day
3 to 4 complete rounds for time
10 – Walking Lunges w/ DB at shoulder height (per side)
15 – Rope Push-ups
20 – Pikes
25 – KB swings
20 – Hamstring Slide Curls
15 – Wall Ball Shots
10 – Bulgarian Split Squat w/ DB at shoulder height (per side)
Sprint 30 yards X 2

Thursday September 17
"There will come a point in the race, when you alone will need to decide. You will need to make a choice. Do you really want it? You will need to decide." - Rolf Arands
A – Dynamic Warm-up and Hip Mobility
B – Say Hello to my Little Friend!
Bar Over-Head Squats

Friday September 18
"Everyone has the desire to win, but only champions have the desire to prepare." - Author Unknown
A – Calisthenics and Planking
B – These cards are marked…
Each team has a deck of cards. Each person on the team flips their own card while others flip their own respective cards. Perform the number shown on the flipped card. It is an individual effort but you chip away at the deck as a team.
First Game:
Hearts = Sky and Ground Squat
Diamonds = Reverse Crunch
Clubs = Alt DB Squat and Press
Spades = Pushup
*Ace = 11
*Face cards = 10
We throw out the 2's, 3's and 4's
Flip a JOKER = Entire team sprints the court, plus you do 10 reps of each exercise!
Hearts = Slide Lunge
Diamonds = Reverse Crunch
Clubs = Dumbbell Push Press
Spades = Dips
Flip a JOKER = Entire team sprints the court, plus you do 10 reps of each exercise!
Third Game - Viva Las Vegas
Hearts = DB Deadlift Curl and Press
Diamonds = Pushup
Clubs = Bent Over Row w/ DB
Spades = Dip
Flip a JOKER = Entire team sprints the court, plus you do 10 reps of each exercise!