We help YOU, the busy man or woman get the look, feel or physical performance capability YOU want, in the time YOU have, without disruption to YOUR daily life.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Spring Break Off Week Training - Monday March 14 - Friday March 18, 2011

Monday March 14, 2011
"That which we achieve too easily, we esteem too lightly."
- Thomas Paine
A – Warm Up Well
B – 7 Rounds
You have One Minute to Complete Each Round.

Once the clock starts it does not stop.
1 - Sprint 20 yds and back 2 burpees
2 - Sprint 40 yds and back 4 burpees
3 - Sprint 60 yds and back 6 burpees
4 - Sprint 80 yds and back 8 burpees
5 - Sprint 60 yds and back 6 burpees
6 - Sprint 40 yds and back 4 burpees
7 - Sprint 20 yds and back 2 burpees
In the absence of yard markers, allow 1.5 to 2 seconds for every 10 yards you sprint.

Tuesday March 15, 2011
“A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.”
- John Shedd
A – Warm Up Well
B – Superset Training
Do both exercises in the superset (A, B) for 45 seconds each and then take a 15 sec rest before doing the next set. Do #’s 1 – 6 twice.
1 A: Prisoner Squats
1 B: Push-up
2 A: Reverse Lunges
2 B: Prone Cobra
3 A: Atomic Plank & Pushup
3 B: Forward Lunge
4 A: Single Leg Hip Extension
4 B: Strongman Crunch
5 A: Mountain Climbers
5 B: Side Plank w/ Leg Swings
6 A: Burpees
6 B: Single Leg Plank

Thursday March 17, 2011
“Repetition is the MOTHER of learning, the FATHER of action and the ARCHITECT of accomplishment!”
- Zig Ziglar
A – Warm Up Well
B – Cardio HELL!
Do the following circuit 2 – 3 rounds. 30 seconds per exercise and 15 seconds rest between each one.
Jumping Jacks
Reaching Plank
Jump Squats
Plank with Alternating Leg Raise
Mountain Jumpers
Atomic Plank
Sprint in Place
Side Plank w/ Leg Swing

Friday March 18, 2011
“Luck is a lazy mans description for a hard workers success.”
– Me
A – Warm Up Well
B – “Let’s Do This!”
Do 3 to 4 rounds of each exercise in the following order:
Turkish Get-up X 10 (5 R & L) (Please watch the video)
Jumping Lunges x 20 total (beginners can do 20 regular reverse lunges)
Spiderman Push Ups x 20 total (beginners do 20 knees on ground pushups)
1 Leg Hip Hinge x 20 each leg
2 count T-Stabilization x 20 total
Mountain Jumpers x 20