We help YOU, the busy man or woman get the look, feel or physical performance capability YOU want, in the time YOU have, without disruption to YOUR daily life.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Week #3: Monday July 1 through Friday July 5, 2013

Monday July 1, 2013
“When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot become manifest, strength cannot be exerted, wealth is useless, and reason is powerless.” – Herophiles
A – Warm Up
B – Monday Morning Mindfulness

40 seconds of work, 20 seconds of rest X 5 exercises for 4 “rounds”.
1 – Gallows 1 ½ Row
2 – KB Goblet Squat Hold & Pulse
3 – Push Up & Reach
4 – DB Hip Hinge w/ Shrug Finish
5 – MB Slam & High Toss

C – Finish:
20/10 SL Burpee & Bag Work

Tuesday July 2, 2013
“If it weren’t for the fact that the TV set and the refrigerator are so far apart, some of us wouldn’t get any exercise at all.” – Joey Adams
A - Warm-up
B – 45 – 15 Training
45 seconds of work, 15 seconds of rest X 4 rounds
1 – KB Swing
2 – Push-up & Pike Combo
3 – ½ Kneeling 1 Arm Press
4 – Band Squat & Row
5 – Rock The Boat
C – Finish: 15/15 Mountain Climb & MB Slam

Wednesday July 3, 2013
“When it comes to eating right and exercising, there is no ‘I’ll start tomorrow.’ Tomorrow is disease.” – V.L. Allinear
A - Warm Up & Hip Mobility
B - Cardio Blast Wednesday
45 – 15 Protocol X 4 Rounds
Prowler Sprints
Band Resisted, Dancing Punches
Battle Ropes Lateral Shuffle & Drum Beat
DB Speed Squat & Alternate Press
Lateral Lunge & MB Slams
C – Finish: 10/3 Core Stability Work

Thursday July 4, 2013
“Arbitrary power is most easily established on the ruins of liberty abused to licentiousness.” – George Washington
 A) Warm-up well
B) 3 Minute Leg Routine
You will perform as many repetitions as possible in a continuous (non-stop) 3 minute routine broken into 20 second increments.
Here's what to do:
A) Start a timer or watch a clock and then:
B) Perform Jumping Squats for 20 seconds
C) Perform Squats for 20 seconds
D) Perform a Squat Hold (drop into a full squat position and hold) for 20 seconds
Repeat these 3 exercises every 20 seconds until 3 minutes (3 rounds) have been completed. Recover for 2 minutes before going to the next routine.
C) Today's Routine
Perform the following 5 exercises in a 12, 10, 8, 6, 4 repetition format, whereby you will do each exercise for 12 repetitions (left AND right where merited), then 10 repetitions, then 8 and so on until 4. Here are the exercises. Click the link for a video demonstration of each.
SLDL and reach with Medicine Ball (or light weight)
1 Leg Elevated Push-up
Bent Over "Y" Raises
Single Leg Hip/Thigh Extensions (L & R)
Reaching Planks (L & R)

Friday July 5, 2013
“A critic is a legless man who teaches running.” – Channing Pollock
A) Warm-up Well
B) Bodyweight "500" Routine
Perform 50 reps of each exercise for the following 10 exercises:
1) Prisoner Squat
2) Push-up
3) Mountain Jumpers
4) Strongman Crunch (25 L & R)
5) Dumbbell RDL to Reverse Lunge
6) T-Stabilization (25 L & R)
7) Walking Lunges (50 L & R)
8) Bench Dips (Keep your back next to the bench, like in the video)
9) Squat Jumps
10) Hip/Thigh Extension on toes (25 L & R)