Monday April 4, 2011
"Boredom is the feeling that everything is a waste of time; serenity, that nothing is." – Thomas Szasz
A - Dynamic Warm-up & Hip Mobility
B - 30/30 X 4
30 seconds work, 30 seconds rest X 4 rounds = 20 minutes.
1. Tube Reverse Lunge & Row
2. DB Squat & Press
3. Jumping Slam Ball
4. Slide Ham Curl
5. Pikes
Tuesday April 5, 2011
“A critic is a legless man who teaches running” – Channing Pollock
A – Warm-up
B – 30 – 90 Cardio Training
Work for 30 seconds, then perform 3 “active recovery” exercises for 90 seconds X 10 rounds.
Work Set / Recovery Set
Burpees / 1 Leg Hip Extension (L & R)
Jump Rope / Run in place & Jumping Jacks
Fast Feet on Bench / SL Anterior Reach (L & R)
Skater Hops / Prone Cobra & Superman's
Jumping MB Slams / Static Row Hold & Static ½ Press Hold
Thursday April 7, 2011
A – Warm Up Well
B – Cardio MAX!
Do the following circuit 2 – 3 rounds. 30 seconds per exercise and 15 seconds rest between each one.
Jumping Jacks
Reaching Plank
Jump Squats
Plank with Alternating Leg Raise
Mountain Jumpers
Atomic Plank
Sprint in Place
Side Plank w/ Leg Swing
Friday April 8, 2011
"Many people look forward to the new year, for a new start on old habits." – Joey Adams
A – Warm Up Well
B – “Let’s Do This!”
Do 3 to 4 rounds of each exercise in the following order:
Turkish Get-up X 10 (5 R & L) (Please watch the video)
Jumping Lunges x 20 total (beginners can do 20 regular reverse lunges)
Spiderman Push Ups x 20 total (beginners do 20 knees on ground pushups)
1 Leg Hip Hinge x 20 each leg
2 count T-Stabilization x 20 total
Mountain Jumpers x 20