Monday June 27, 2011
"What would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?" - Erica E. Hirsch
A - Warm Up
B - 15 Second Succession Complexes
Perform 6 consecutive 15 second work periods followed by a 1 minute recovery. Perform 8 rounds.
1 - Side Plank Left
2 - Side Plank Right
3 - Push Ups
4 - Jumping Squats
5 - Squats
6 - Squat Position Hold
Tuesday June 28, 2011
"Just remember this: No one ever won the olive wreath with an impressive training diary." - Marty Liquori
A - Warm Up
B - Thunder & Lightning Complexes
Alternate between 30 seconds of strength training exercises and 15 seconds of power training exercises for 3 total complexes.
1A - Tempo Hands Overhead Squats (drop fast, 3 seconds up)
1B - Jump Split Squats
2A - Tempo Feet Elevated Fist Push Ups (drop fast, 3 seconds up)
2B - Kneeling Speed Chest Press
3A - Tempo Hands Overhead 2 Leg Hip Hinge (down fast, 3 seconds up)
3B - Skater Hops
Thursday June 30, 2011
"The purpose of life is a life of purpose." - Robert Byrne
A - Warm Up
B - 3 Minute Sequence Complexes
Alternate between 3 minutes of work and 1 minute of rest for 5 total rounds.
1 - KB Clean, Forward Lunge & Press
2 - Dumbbell Forward Lunge, Curl & Press
Friday July 1, 2011
"Whatever you can do or dream, you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
A - Warm Up
B - 10, 20, 30 Ladder Intervals & The Push Up Challenge
Perform 10, 20, 30 ladder intervals with a 1:1 work to rest ratio twice, then perform a push up variation for 60 seconds, followed by a 60 second rest.
1A - KB Swings
1B - Push Up & Lateral Movement
2A - Ropes Squat Jumps
2B - Uchi Mata Push Ups
3A - Jumping MB Slams
3B - Atomic Plank & Push Up