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Sunday, August 24, 2008

Week 3 - Day 1 of Session #20

The San Antonio Fat Loss and Fitness Leader.

This is week #3 of the finest fat loss camp in San Antonio. If you're not here, you're not a real loser! These fat loss routines burn calories like nobody's business.

Week 3 – Day 1
"It's a sobering thought, that by the time Mozart was my age, he had been dead for twelve years." – John Davis
A. Calisthenics - Hip Mobility
B. Ball Slam Tabata and more
20 seconds of work, 10 seconds rest repeated for 8 straight sets.
1. Ball Slam x 8 set Tabata
2. Dumbbell push press x 8 set Tabata
3. Chin-2-knees x 8 set Tabata
4. Ring Rows x 8 set Tabata
C. Jump - Dip – Sprint
1. 15 Split Squats per leg
2. 15 Dips
3. Sprint length of court and back
*Repeat for as many complete rounds as you can in 10 minutes*
D. Stretching

Week 3 – Day 2
BRATTLED (brat uld) - The unsettling feeling, at a stoplight, that the busload of kids that just pulled up beside you is making fun of you.
A. Calisthenics - Hip Mobility
B. Fight Gone Bad in S.A.
In this workout there are FOUR stations - You move through each station after 60 seconds. This is a non-stop 4-minute circuit followed by a 2 minute rest. Today is 4 rounds. The stations are:
1. Wall Ball
2. Renegade Row (Alternating)
3. Kettlebell Swings
4. Bicycles
**Rest 2 minutes**
*Repeat for FOUR total rounds*
C. 5 laps for time
D. Stretching

Week 3 – Day 3
“Miracles sometime occur, but one has to work terribly hard for them.” – Chaim Weizmann
A – Dynamic Warm-up and Hip Mobility
B - Partner Shuttle run with Tuck Jumps
C – You want me to do what?
1 - Dips
2 - DB Bent-Over Rows
3 - Sprints
4 – Bulgarian Squats (per leg)
** 10-1-1-10 through 1-10-10-1 **
D – Cool Down & Stretching

Week 3 – Day 4
"Thoughts are the threads that bind us to deeds. Deeds are the ropes that bind us to habits. Habits are the chains that bind us to destiny." – Inscription carved on the West Wall at the palace in Maygassa
A – Dynamic Warm-up and Hip Mobility
B – My, oh my…
Walking One-Arm Overhead Lunge (per leg)
Plia Lunges (per leg)
Side Plank Row (per arm)
DB Push Press
10 reps each, AMRAP for 20 minutes

C – Cool Down and Stretching