We help YOU, the busy man or woman get the look, feel or physical performance capability YOU want, in the time YOU have, without disruption to YOUR daily life.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Week 4 – Day 1
"The best thing about the future is that it comes only one day at a time." – Abraham Lincoln
A. Calisthenics & Hip Mobility
B. Partner Shuttle Run with Mountain Climbers
C. Six Station Dice Game
Set up six stations of movements and place a die at each station. Person performs the movement specified at each station. Number of reps is determined by roll of the dice. Next station is determined by a roll of the dice. Play 2, 12 minute games.
D. Post Training Stretching

Week 4 – Day 2
"In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility." – Anna Eleanor Roosevelt
A - Dynamic Warm-up
B - Partner Shuttle run with 15 Tuck Jumps

C - Partner up!
Partner #1 does 15 dumbbell push presses right arm, 15 DB push presses left armPartner #2 does as many stretch tube rows as possible until partner #1 is done*Switch roles and repeat for 3 complete rounds each
D - Big circuit

1. Burpees x 12
2. High Step Ups x 15 per Leg
3. Run 2 laps
*As many rounds as you can in 20 minutes*
DD. Alternative no running circuit

1. Dumbbell thrusters x 12
2. Prisoner Squats x 25
3. Turkish Get-ups x 12
4. Walking lunge x 25 yards
*6 rounds for total time*
E – Post Training Stretching

Week 4 – Day 3
"One of the greatest and simplest tools for learning more and growing is doing more." – Washington Irving
A – Calisthenics and Planking

B – Partner Med Ball Toss
Partner up. Perform 10 underhand med ball tosses and 10 reverse tosses each.
C – 20-15-10 Squat Session
Jumping Squats, Squats, Hold in the Bottom Squat Position – 1st round 20 seconds, 2nd round 15 seconds, 3rd round 10 seconds.

3 Rounds for Time of:
10 Renegade Rows (per side)
30 Prisoner Siff Squats
50 Bullwhips
75 In & Out Jump Rope
E - Post Training Stretching

Week 4 – Day 4
"The one thing that matters is the effort." – Antoine de Saint Exupery
A – Lunge series, planking and light calisthenics

B – Deal Your Own Demise
Pick a rep count and match it to an exercise: 50, 40, 30, 20, 10.
- Wall Ball High Toss
- Rows
- Goblet squat with Kettle Bell
- Turkish Get ups
- High step-up or Bulgarian Squats
**Work from 50 back. Ex: 1st exercise x 50, 2nd exercise x 40, etc.
**Go through twice
C – Pet Rock -21, 15, 9
Kettle bell swing x 21
Kettle bell lunge x 21 each leg
Kettle bell swing x 15
Kettle bell lunge x 15 each leg
Kettle bell swing x 9
Kettle bell lunge x 9 each leg
D- Post Training Stretching