We help YOU, the busy man or woman get the look, feel or physical performance capability YOU want, in the time YOU have, without disruption to YOUR daily life.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Monday December 20 thru Thursday December December 23, 2010

A Return to "Old School"...

Monday December 20, 2010
"When you hang out with the ordinary you lose your desire to be exceptional" – Sheryl Brady
A) Dynamic Warmup & Hip Mobility
B) Tabata Protocol Coupled Training

20/10 X 8 "rounds"

A1 – Reaching Planks
A2 – Squat & Tube Row Combo

B – Fat Burning Band Sprints

C1 – Slide Lunge (L & R)
C2 – Pikes

D - Mountain Jumpers

Tuesday December 21, 2010
"Setting goals is not the main thing. It is deciding how you will achieve them, and staying with that plan." – Tom Landry (Hall of Fame Coach)
A – Skip Loop with Jump Rope
B – “Just a roll of the dice!”
Set-up 6 stations of varying movements.
Roll the dice to find out what station to progress to and perform the exercise stated at that particular station after rolling again to determine rep range.
Play 2 games.
Time limit for each game = 12-14 minutes

Wednesday December 22, 2010
You don't drown by falling in the water; you drown by staying there." – Ed Cole
A – Calisthenics and Planking
B – These cards are marked…
Each team has a deck of cards. Each person on the team flips their own card while others flip their own respective cards. Perform the number shown on the flipped card. It is an individual effort but you chip away at the deck as a team.
First Game:
Hearts = Sky and Ground Squat
Diamonds = Strongman Crunch
Clubs = Band BO Alt Row (L & R)
Spades = Push-up
*Ace = 11
*Face cards = 10
We throw out the 2's, 3's and 4's
Flip a JOKER = Entire team does 20 burpees, plus you do 10 reps of each exercise!
Hearts = Slide Lunge
Diamonds = Reaching Planks (L & R)
Clubs = Band Push Press
Spades = Spiderman Pushups
Flip a JOKER = Entire team does 20 burpees, plus you do 10 reps of each exercise!

Thursday December 23, 2010
"When the pressure comes, preferences give way while convictions hold firm." – Ed Cole
A - Warmup
B - Band Assisted Shuffles
C - Escalation Destination
Clean & press :30 per hand Rest :30
Clean & press :30 per hand, Swing :30 per hand, Rest :30
Clean & press :30 per hand, Swing :30 per hand, Y-squat :30, Rest :30
Clean & press :30 per hand, Swing :30 per hand, Y-squat :30, Pushup :30, Rest :30
Clean & press :30 per hand, Swing :30 per hand, Y-squat :30, Pushup :30, Renegade Row :30 per hand.
Rest 2:00.
Reverse order and perform again.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Week #3 of this current session - Monday Dec 13 thru Friday Dec 17, 2010

Monday December 13, 2010
"The secret is this: there is no secret." -
Paraphrased from John L. Parker
A - Dynamic warmup & hip mobility
B - 20 minute blast-o-rama
30/30 circuit with:
Jumping squats w/band
Dead-lift w/band
Push-up w/band
Body Saw w/adduction & abduction
Slide Lunge & lateral shoulder abduction

Tuesday December 14, 2010
"Action without thought is a form of insanity; Thought without action is a crime."
– Albert Einstein
A - Warmup

B - 50/10 Training
Sliding Ham Curl
Squat & row
Scorpion push-up
Band push press
Strongman crunch

Thursday December 16, 2010
"If you believe in yourself, have dedication and pride and never quit, you'll be a winner. The price of victory is high, but so are the rewards." -
Paul "Bear" Bryant
A - Dynamic warmup & hip mobility
B - 20 minute blast-o-rama
30 seconds work, 15 seconds rest X 4 rounds = 20 minutes.
Jumping Reverse Lunge Ball Slams
Wall Based Mountain Climb/Push-up Combo
SLDL Band Rows
Rotating Atomic Planks
Skater Jumps

Friday December 17, 2010
"Habits are cobwebs at first; cables at last. " - Chinese Proverb
A - Warm-up

B - 40 - 20 training
40 seconds of work, 20 seconds of rest X 4 rounds
Band Resisted Lying Hip Extensions
Spiderman Push-up
Squat Hold Rows, Elbows in to out
Reaching Planks