This is the final week of the Firestorm Fitness System Fat Burning Fit Camps, so give it all you've got!
The next session begins Monday March 19th. Make plans now to be there.
"A wise man speaks because he has something to say; the fool speaks because he has to say something."
Week 4 – Day 1
A – Calisthenics
- Jumping Jacks
- Shuffle sprints
- Vertical hops
- Lateral hops
- Push-up Plank
- Plank
*20 seconds of each x 3 sets
1 minute of Burpees, As many as possible
B – Core Work!
**5 minutes per station**
10 reps per movement for as many rounds as you can in 5 minutes. Rest 1 minute, rotate to the next station
1. Tube Rows x 10 and Alternate elbows to knees x 10, repeat for 5 minutes
2. Kettle-bell high pull and reverse crunch (knees to chin)
3. Lateral Barrier Jump and Dumbbell Push Press
4. Kettle bell Swings and sit-ups
C – A Challenge in Reverse
1. Sprint in reverse the length of the court
2. Turkish Get-ups x 10
3. Reverse lunges x 10 per leg
Repeat for 3 – 5 rounds
D. Post training stretching
"Fall down 100 times, rise 101"- Zen quote
Week 4 - Day 2
A. Calisthenics - Hip mobility
B. Three Movement Tabata
*20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest for 8 straight sets*
*Your score is the Least amount of reps you get in any 20 second time span during the 8 straight sets
*Here you further understand how to partition effort
1. Push-ups x 8 sets
2. Squats x 8 sets
3. Sit-ups x 8 sets
C. Team Training
Split into teams.
1. Perform 20 Squat Jumps, Run to the end of the court and back
2. Perform 20 Dips, Run to the end of the court and back
3. Perform 20 Lunges, Run to end of the court & back and score a point for your Team!
*Bonus: Score an extra point for your team by doing an additional 20 Squat Jumps, 20 Dips and 20 Lunges*
D. Post Training Stretching
“I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind. Some come from ahead and some come from behind. But I've bought a big bat. I'm all ready you see. Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!”- Dr. Seuss
Week 4 – Day 3
A – Lunge series, planking and light calisthenics
B – Deal Your Own Demise
Pick a rep count and match it to an exercise: 50, 40, 30, 20, 10.
- Wall Ball High Toss
- High tube rows
- Goblet squat with Kettle Bell
- Turkish Get ups
- High step-up
**Work from 50 back. Ex: 1st exercise x 50, 2nd exercise x 40, etc.**
Go through twice
C – Pet Rock -21, 15, 9
Kettle bell swing x 21
Kettle bell lunge x 21 each leg
Kettle bell swing x 15
Kettle bell lunge x 15 each leg
Kettle bell swing x 9
Kettle bell lunge x 9 each leg
D- Post Training Stretching
"Desire is the starting point of all achievement, not a hope, not a wish, but a keen pulsating desire which transcends everything."- Napoleon Hill
Week 4 – Day 4
A – Light calisthenics then Full Court Warm-up!
1. Jog once around court
2. Skip once around court
3. Jog once around court
4. Back Pedal once around court
5. Jog once around court
6. Sprint length of court and back once
B – Take It the Next Level!
Start the timer and perform the repetitions as prescribed. Begin movements at each two minute mark precisely. This is a ten minute circuit.
1. 10 push-ups
2. 15 sit-ups
3. 20 tube rows
4. 25 squats
C. Let’s take it up another notch!
1. Sprint length of court and back once
2. Dips x 25
3. Walking lunge x ½ court (side to side)
4. Sprint length of court
5. Jump rope, 25 ground contacts
6. Broad jump x ½ court (side to side)
7. Tuck jumps x 15
8. Push-ups x 25
**Repeat for six rounds or 20 minutes, whichever comes first**
C – Post Training Stretching
We help YOU, the busy man or woman get the look, feel or physical performance capability YOU want, in the time YOU have, without disruption to YOUR daily life.
Saturday, March 3, 2007
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Making the impossible possible
A new set of heroes. Remember them the next time you think the training is too much.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Firestorm Fitness Fat Burning Boot Camps Week Of February 26 - March 2, 2007
Last week was great, filled with hard work, determination and enthusiasm complimented by the "Grand Finale": Friday's training. If you missed it, missed it! This week should prove nothing short of spectacular. I hope you are up to the challenge! See you there.
This is a picture of one of those special places in my life where I've been fortunate to sit around with good friends on a cold night and feel the warmth of a fire; all the while trading tall tales and laughing until your face hurts. It's a place of honor, reverence, equality, tranquility, peace and special memories...thanks to my good friend Mike.

"Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion. You must first set yourself on fire."
- Reggie Leach
Week 3 – Day 1 Monday February 26
A. Hip Mobility, Cal's and Court Sprints
B. Set the Table
Max effort repetition in 1 minute - keep track of individual exercise records:
1. Kettlebell Swing x 1 min
2. Slam ball x 1 min
3. Dumbbell Push Press x 1 min
C. Serve it up
1. Run once around court
2. Perform 10 Push-ups
3. Perform 15 Walking Lunge each leg
4. Sprint to end of court and back
5a. Perform your previously recorded repetition max number for Kettlebell Swing
*Repeat circuit starting at beginning*
5b. In round two Perform your previously recorded repetition max number for Slam ball
*Repeat circuit starting at beginning*
5c. In round three Perform your previously recorded repetition max number for Dumbbell Push Press
**As many complete rounds as you can in 25-30 minutes**
D. Post Training Stretching
"Look carefully at the closest associations in your life, for that is the direction you are heading."
- Kevin Eikenberry
Week 3 – Day 2 Tuesday February 27
A - Dynamic Warm-up
B - Partner Shuttle run with 15 Tuck Jumps
C - Partner up!
Partner #1 does 15 dumbbell push presses right arm, 15 DB push presses left arm
Partner #2 does as many stretch tube rows as possible until partner #1 is done
*Switch roles and repeat for 5 complete rounds each
D - Big circuit
1. Burpees x 12
2. Step Ups x 15 per Leg
3. Run 2 laps
*As many rounds as you can in 20 minutes*
DD. Alternative no running circuit
1. Dumbbell thrusters x 12
2. Prisoner Squats x 25
3. Turkish Get-ups x 12
4. Walking lunge x 25 yards
*6 rounds for total time*
E – Post Training Stretching
"There is no telling how many miles you will have to run while chasing a dream."
- Unknown
Week 3 – Day 3 Thursday March 1
A – Dynamic Warm-up
B – Team Races With Toys
Divide the camp into TWO teams. Each team has 2 tires, 2 kettlebells, 2 Slam Balls, 2 Sit-up stations and 2 Burpee stations. Score as many points as you can on each station.
1. Tire sprint, end of court and back = 1 point
2. Burpee x 15 = 1 point
3. Slam Ball x 20 = 1 point
4. KB Deadlift/highpull x 25 = 1 point
5. Sit-ups x 30 = 1 point
We will play two 12 minute games.
C – Post Training Stretching
“If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?”
- John Wooden
Week 3 – Day 4 Friday March 2
A – Dynamic Warm-up & Calisthenics
B - Solo Cards
1. Flip 4 cards
2. Run 1 lap
3. Flip 8 cards
4. Run 2 laps
5. Flip 12 cards
6. Run 3 laps
7. Flip 8 cards
8. Run 2 laps
9. Flip 4 cards
10. Run 1 lap
Hearts = Prisoner Squats
Diamonds = Jumping Lunges or Step-ups
Clubs = Pushups
Spades = Reverse Crunches
*Ace = 11*
Face cards = 10
JOKER = 10 reps of each exercise
Throw out the 2's, 3's and 4's
C – Post Training Stretching
This is a picture of one of those special places in my life where I've been fortunate to sit around with good friends on a cold night and feel the warmth of a fire; all the while trading tall tales and laughing until your face hurts. It's a place of honor, reverence, equality, tranquility, peace and special memories...thanks to my good friend Mike.
"Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion. You must first set yourself on fire."
- Reggie Leach
Week 3 – Day 1 Monday February 26
A. Hip Mobility, Cal's and Court Sprints
B. Set the Table
Max effort repetition in 1 minute - keep track of individual exercise records:
1. Kettlebell Swing x 1 min
2. Slam ball x 1 min
3. Dumbbell Push Press x 1 min
C. Serve it up
1. Run once around court
2. Perform 10 Push-ups
3. Perform 15 Walking Lunge each leg
4. Sprint to end of court and back
5a. Perform your previously recorded repetition max number for Kettlebell Swing
*Repeat circuit starting at beginning*
5b. In round two Perform your previously recorded repetition max number for Slam ball
*Repeat circuit starting at beginning*
5c. In round three Perform your previously recorded repetition max number for Dumbbell Push Press
**As many complete rounds as you can in 25-30 minutes**
D. Post Training Stretching
"Look carefully at the closest associations in your life, for that is the direction you are heading."
- Kevin Eikenberry
Week 3 – Day 2 Tuesday February 27
A - Dynamic Warm-up
B - Partner Shuttle run with 15 Tuck Jumps
C - Partner up!
Partner #1 does 15 dumbbell push presses right arm, 15 DB push presses left arm
Partner #2 does as many stretch tube rows as possible until partner #1 is done
*Switch roles and repeat for 5 complete rounds each
D - Big circuit
1. Burpees x 12
2. Step Ups x 15 per Leg
3. Run 2 laps
*As many rounds as you can in 20 minutes*
DD. Alternative no running circuit
1. Dumbbell thrusters x 12
2. Prisoner Squats x 25
3. Turkish Get-ups x 12
4. Walking lunge x 25 yards
*6 rounds for total time*
E – Post Training Stretching
"There is no telling how many miles you will have to run while chasing a dream."
- Unknown
Week 3 – Day 3 Thursday March 1
A – Dynamic Warm-up
B – Team Races With Toys
Divide the camp into TWO teams. Each team has 2 tires, 2 kettlebells, 2 Slam Balls, 2 Sit-up stations and 2 Burpee stations. Score as many points as you can on each station.
1. Tire sprint, end of court and back = 1 point
2. Burpee x 15 = 1 point
3. Slam Ball x 20 = 1 point
4. KB Deadlift/highpull x 25 = 1 point
5. Sit-ups x 30 = 1 point
We will play two 12 minute games.
C – Post Training Stretching
“If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?”
- John Wooden
Week 3 – Day 4 Friday March 2
A – Dynamic Warm-up & Calisthenics
B - Solo Cards
1. Flip 4 cards
2. Run 1 lap
3. Flip 8 cards
4. Run 2 laps
5. Flip 12 cards
6. Run 3 laps
7. Flip 8 cards
8. Run 2 laps
9. Flip 4 cards
10. Run 1 lap
Hearts = Prisoner Squats
Diamonds = Jumping Lunges or Step-ups
Clubs = Pushups
Spades = Reverse Crunches
*Ace = 11*
Face cards = 10
JOKER = 10 reps of each exercise
Throw out the 2's, 3's and 4's
C – Post Training Stretching
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