This is a picture of one of those special places in my life where I've been fortunate to sit around with good friends on a cold night and feel the warmth of a fire; all the while trading tall tales and laughing until your face hurts. It's a place of honor, reverence, equality, tranquility, peace and special memories...thanks to my good friend Mike.
"Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion. You must first set yourself on fire."
- Reggie Leach
Week 3 – Day 1 Monday February 26
A. Hip Mobility, Cal's and Court Sprints
B. Set the Table
Max effort repetition in 1 minute - keep track of individual exercise records:
1. Kettlebell Swing x 1 min
2. Slam ball x 1 min
3. Dumbbell Push Press x 1 min
C. Serve it up
1. Run once around court
2. Perform 10 Push-ups
3. Perform 15 Walking Lunge each leg
4. Sprint to end of court and back
5a. Perform your previously recorded repetition max number for Kettlebell Swing
*Repeat circuit starting at beginning*
5b. In round two Perform your previously recorded repetition max number for Slam ball
*Repeat circuit starting at beginning*
5c. In round three Perform your previously recorded repetition max number for Dumbbell Push Press
**As many complete rounds as you can in 25-30 minutes**
D. Post Training Stretching
"Look carefully at the closest associations in your life, for that is the direction you are heading."
- Kevin Eikenberry
Week 3 – Day 2 Tuesday February 27
A - Dynamic Warm-up
B - Partner Shuttle run with 15 Tuck Jumps
C - Partner up!
Partner #1 does 15 dumbbell push presses right arm, 15 DB push presses left arm
Partner #2 does as many stretch tube rows as possible until partner #1 is done
*Switch roles and repeat for 5 complete rounds each
D - Big circuit
1. Burpees x 12
2. Step Ups x 15 per Leg
3. Run 2 laps
*As many rounds as you can in 20 minutes*
DD. Alternative no running circuit
1. Dumbbell thrusters x 12
2. Prisoner Squats x 25
3. Turkish Get-ups x 12
4. Walking lunge x 25 yards
*6 rounds for total time*
E – Post Training Stretching
"There is no telling how many miles you will have to run while chasing a dream."
- Unknown
Week 3 – Day 3 Thursday March 1
A – Dynamic Warm-up
B – Team Races With Toys
Divide the camp into TWO teams. Each team has 2 tires, 2 kettlebells, 2 Slam Balls, 2 Sit-up stations and 2 Burpee stations. Score as many points as you can on each station.
1. Tire sprint, end of court and back = 1 point
2. Burpee x 15 = 1 point
3. Slam Ball x 20 = 1 point
4. KB Deadlift/highpull x 25 = 1 point
5. Sit-ups x 30 = 1 point
We will play two 12 minute games.
C – Post Training Stretching
“If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?”
- John Wooden
Week 3 – Day 4 Friday March 2
A – Dynamic Warm-up & Calisthenics
B - Solo Cards
1. Flip 4 cards
2. Run 1 lap
3. Flip 8 cards
4. Run 2 laps
5. Flip 12 cards
6. Run 3 laps
7. Flip 8 cards
8. Run 2 laps
9. Flip 4 cards
10. Run 1 lap
Hearts = Prisoner Squats
Diamonds = Jumping Lunges or Step-ups
Clubs = Pushups
Spades = Reverse Crunches
*Ace = 11*
Face cards = 10
JOKER = 10 reps of each exercise
Throw out the 2's, 3's and 4's
C – Post Training Stretching
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