We help YOU, the busy man or woman get the look, feel or physical performance capability YOU want, in the time YOU have, without disruption to YOUR daily life.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Week #2

Today is the beginning of the 2nd week of this current 4 week session of classes at the finest fat loss and fitness experience San Antonio has ever seen. If you're truly serious about dropping the fat and getting that "beach ready" body, come join us. And we've added an evening class, so there's no excuse NOT to train with us! New members receive 2 weeks FREE to try it out. For more details go here: http://twurl.cc/1g20

Monday September 7, 2009
"Next time you’re tempted to say you “can’t,” remember that what you’re really saying is, “I don’t want to.” – Craig Weller
A - Static Stretching, Calisthenics and Active Warm-up
Rotational Med Ball Slams
Siff Squats with Arms O/H
V-sit DB Press

Tuesday September 8, 2009
"When you let others create your world for you, they will always create it too small." - Dr. Edwin Louis Cole
A) Warm-up - 2 laps
B) Hold on for dear life...
1) 45 degree sit x 30 sec
2) Plank x 60 sec
3) Side Plank x 30 sec per side
4) Wall Sit x 60 sec
5) Pushup from ground x 30 sec
6) T Stabilization x 30 sec per side
7) S/L Wall Sit x 30 sec per side
C) Spiderman Planks
3 x 30 secs each
D) Shuttle Runs & Pushups
15 pushups then sprint court & back
15 pushups then sprint court & back x2
15 pushups then sprint court & back x3
E) Broad Jump 30 yards & count reps
1) Bulgarian Squats x that many reps (l & r)
2) Step Ups x that many reps x2
3) Squat Jumps x that many reps x 3
AMRAP in 15 minutes

Thursday September 10, 2009
“Character is measured by what you would do if thought you would not be caught” - Author Unknown
A – Dynamic Warm-up and Hip Mobility
B – My, oh my…AMRAP in 20 Minutes:
7 Dumbbell Thrusters
7 Burpees
7 Hip/Thigh Extensions (per side)
7 Pikes
7 DB Clean and Press (per side)
7 Slide Ham Curls
7 Side Plank Tube Rows (per side)

Friday September 11, 2009
“Don’t hit at all if it is honorably possible to avoid hitting; but never hit soft.” - Theodore Roosevelt
A - Dynamic Warm-up and Hip Mobility
B - Partner Sprints with Burpees, 3 rounds
3 to 5 rounds:
1) 8 - 10 Push-ups, 4 second pause in low position
2) 8 - 12 Bulgarian Squats (per leg), 4 second pause in low position
3) 5 low rows, 4 second pause in contracted position
4) 25 KB swings
Skip 1 lap after each round