Monday September 6, 2010
“Any fool can paint a picture, but it takes a wise man to be able to sell it.” – Samuel Butler
A – Warmup
B - 50/10 Training
Sliding Ham Curl
Single Arm Bent Over Rows - Elbows In to Out
SL Squat to Bench
Side Plank Rows
Vertical Pushups
Tuesday September 7, 2010
“I've been on a calendar but I have never been on time.” – Marilyn Monroe
A - Dynamic Warmup & Hip Mobility
B - Hmm...what's this guy trying to do to me?
40 seconds work, 20 seconds rest X 5 rounds = 20 minutes!
Reverse Lunge & Alt Press
Contra-lateral Push-up :)
Band Squat & Row
Body Saw
Thursday September 9, 2010
“You can get much further with a kind word and a gun than you can with a kind word alone.” – Al Capone
A - Dynamic Warmup & Hip Mobility
B - This is going to feel a little odd...
40 seconds work, 20 seconds rest X 5 rounds = 20 minutes!
1) Tempo Goblet Squat (fast drop into squat, 3 seconds up)
2) Tempo Resisted SL Hip Ext (3 sec up, fast down)
3) Tempo Push-up (fast down, 3 seconds push)
4) Tempo Seated Ab Press (3 sec forward, 1 sec back)
Friday September 10, 2010
“I often quote myself. I find it adds spice to the conversation.” – George Bernard Shaw
A - Dynamic Warmup & Hip Mobility
B – Adrenaline Abs 10/5 Repeats
Repeat the following 2 exercises for 5 minutes in 10 second increments followed by a 5 second transition. You will have a 1 minute rest between sets.
A1 – Burpees
A2 – Arm Extended Planks
B1 – Squat & Press w/MB
B2 – SL Hip Extension w/MB
C1 – DB Clean & Press
C2 – Loaded Side Plank
Final 2 Minutes – SURPRISE!