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Sunday, November 23, 2008

Off Week...Happy Thanksgiving!

Yes, Happy Thanksgiving indeed. This is the off-week from training at the Factory, but that certainly doesn't mean you should slack off. Below is a recommended training regimen that you can implement which will give you great results on your continued path to fat loss success If you need help with any of these exercises, please feel free to e-mail me at steve@safatloss.com

Day One
Do a good warm-up and then…
1. Bottom-2-Bottom Tabata Squats x 6 intervals
(1 interval = 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest)
2. Run 400 Meters3. 15 Push-Ups4. 35 Hands Held Overhead Siff Lunges (on the balls of your feet)5. Bottom-2-Bottom Tabata Squats x 4 Intervals6. Run 800 Meters7. 15 Push-Ups8. 35 Hands Held Overhead Siff Lunges 9. Bottom-2-Bottom Tabata Squats x 6 Intervals10. Run 400 Meters

Day Two
Do a good warm-up and then…
As Many Rounds as Possible (AMRAP) in 20 Minutes:
7 Turkish Get-ups
7 Burpees
7 Jumping Squats
7 Reverse Crunches
7 Dips
7 Single Leg Bridges* (per leg)
7 Pliá Lunges
*Single leg bridge is performed while lying on your back. One leg is in the air. At the start of the movement the entire body is resting on the ground. At the completion of the movement, only the foot of the working leg and the shoulders are on the ground.

Day Three
Do a good warm-up and then…
Round 1
Squats: 24 reps
Alternating Lunges: 12 reps each leg
Alternating Jumping Lunge (jump up and switch legs in mid-air): 12 reps each leg
Squat Jumps: 24 reps
**Time the set, rest the same time it took you to do the set and repeat.

Round 2
21, 15, 9 with a sprint
Reverse Crunch
Spiderman Push-up
Partner Towel Rows*
2 x 30 yard sprint (perform at the end of each segment of 21, 15, and 9)
* Partner towel rows are performed by each partner grasping the end of a towel. From a forward leaning position, kind of like starting a race, Partner 1 pulls while Partner 2 resists. Partner 1 now resists while Partner 2 pulls. Repeat until all repetitions have been completed.

Day Four
Do a good warm-up and then…
1. Sprint 40 yards and skip back
2. 25 Dips or Close Grip Pushups
3. Walking Lunge x 25 yards
4. 30 Bicycles (click the link for a demo)
5. Sprint 40 yards and back pedal return
6. Broad Jump x 25 yards
7. Sprint 40 yards, carioca back
8. Pushups x 15
*Repeat for as many complete rounds as you can in 25 minutes*