We help YOU, the busy man or woman get the look, feel or physical performance capability YOU want, in the time YOU have, without disruption to YOUR daily life.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Welcome to a new session of classes for the Firestorm Fitcamps. We're just a few weeks away from christmas and the New Year, so let's crank it up a notch and get ready for those parties. Remember, if you'd like to try the class you can for FREE, I'll give you 2 weeks to try it out. For all of the details just email me here.

Monday November 30, 2009
"The slow man with integrity will ultimately catch the swift one who has none." - Unknown
A – Dynamic Warm-up and Hip Mobility
B – Tube Stabilization and Rotations

For Time: 30-20-10
Box Jump or Bulgarian Split Squats
Kettle Swings

Tuesday December 1, 2009
"All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent." - Thomas Jefferson
A – Calisthenics and Stretching
B – Fun, fun, and even more fun...for 8 minutes!
Superset each of the two exercises for 8 minutes (AMRAP) in 12 repetition increments
A1 – Slide Ham Curl
A2 – Squat & Alternating Tube Row Combo (total)

B1 – Jumping Slamball
B2 – Renegade Row (total)

C1 – 360 degree lunge (total)
C2 – Pikes

Thursday December 3, 2009
"You can have anything you want if you are willing to give up the belief that you can't have it." - Robert Anthony
A - Dynamic warmup & hip mobility
B - 20 minute blast-o-rama
30/30 circuit with:
Split Squat Band Row
Vertical Jump
Side-to-Side Push-up
Rope Assisted SL Squat
Loaded Side Plank Hip Raise

Friday December 4, 2009
"You were born an original. Don't die a copy." - John Mason
A – Dynamic Warm-up and Stretching
B – Partner shuttle runs with burpees
4 Rounds of:
150 Jump Rope
25 Reaching Planks (total)
50 KB Swings
25 DB Thrusters