We help YOU, the busy man or woman get the look, feel or physical performance capability YOU want, in the time YOU have, without disruption to YOUR daily life.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Happy New Year! Monday December 31, 2012 to Friday January 4, 2013

Monday December 31, 2012
“I believe you should live each day as if it is your last, which is why I don't have any clean laundry, because, come on, who wants to wash clothes on the last day of their life?” – Unknown
A - Dynamic Warm-up and Hip Mobility
B - 30/30 Training
1 Arm DB Squat & Press
Push Ups w/4 Second Pause
Gallows Row
MB Slams
KB Swing
C – Cardio Finish: 15/15 Mountain Climber & Speed Punches

Tuesday January 1, 2013
“It isn’t what you do between Christmas and the New Year that spoils your health and fitness goals so much as what you do between the New Year and Christmas.” – Me
A - Warm-up
B - 40 - 20 training
40 seconds of work, 20 seconds of rest X 5 rounds
Plank Position Reach & Row
MB O/H Bulgarian Squats
SL Hip Hinge
Rock The Boat
C – Cardio Finish: 20/10 Wall Sprints & Bear Crawl

Wednesday January 2, 2013
“To solve any problem, there are three questions to ask yourself: First, what could I do? Second, what could I read? And third, whom could I ask?” – Jim Rohn
A - Warm Up
B - Cardio Blast Wednesday
40 – 20 Protocol X 4 Rounds
Push Up Plank w/ Active Leg Slides
½ Squat Band Speed Presses
Gallows Squat Jumps
Dip Bars Front-2-Backs
Resisted Bear Crawl
C – Core Stability Finish: 10/3 X 6, 5 exercise circuit

Thursday January 3, 2013
“Success equals goals; all else is commentary.”Brian Tracy
A) Dynamic Warm-up & Hip Mobility
B) Tabata Protocol Coupled Training

20/10 X 8 "rounds"
A1 – Push-ups
A2 – Prisoner Squat
B – Side Plank Cross-body Arcing Press
C1 – Slide Lunge
C2 – Mountain Climber

D1 – Gallows Row
D2 – Gallows Plank Stability Hold
C – Cardio Finish: 15/15 Jumping Jacks & Crab Crawl

Friday January 4, 2013
"When you can, always advise people to do what you see they really want to do . . . . Doing what they want to do, they may succeed; doing what they don't want to do, they won't."James Gould Cozzens
A – Warm Up
B – 60/30 Strength/Cardio Session
60 seconds of work, 30 seconds of rest, 2 exercises X’s 2 “rounds” then 60 second rest & transition
Superset Station#1:
1 – KB Goblet Squat
2 – Skater Hops/Hands Over The Line Combo
Superset Station#2:
1 – Band Dead Lift w/ 4 sec hold
2 – Burpee/Wall Sprints Combo
Superset Station#3:
1 – Renegade Push Up & Row
2 – MB Toss & Chase 

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Christmas Week Training - Monday December 24 thru Saturday December 29, 2012

Monday December 24, 2012 
"The only blind person at Christmastime is he who has not Christmas in his heart." - Helen Keller
A - Warm Up
B - 1st and 10
Perform the following routine as quickly as possible. 

Start on a goal line...
Perform 12 Hands Overhead Squats
Run 20 yards and back to your goal line
12 Mountain Jumpers

Run 20 yards and back to your goal line 
12 Push Ups
Run 20 yards and back to your goal line 
12 Single Leg Hinges per leg
Run 20 yards and back to your goal line 
12 Hands Overhead Squats
Run 20 yards and back to your goal line

Rest for 2 minutes, then:

Full Court Press
Perform the following routine as quickly as possible.
20 Push Ups
Sprint 100 yards
Walk Back Quickly
20 Burpees
Sprint 100 yards
Walk Back Quickly
20 Reaching Planks (total)
Sprint 100 yards
Bear Crawl 1/2 the distance back, then walk to start
Sprint 100 yards

Tuesday December 25, 2012
“The best Christmas of all is the presence of a happy family all wrapped up with one another.” - Unknown
A - Warm Up
Get up, drink coffee, read paper, etc...
B - Christmas Day Massacre...
Perform the following at your leisure and to your satisfaction:
1 - Eat with family and/or friends
2 - Open presents with family and/or friends  
3 - Enjoy the company of loved ones
4 - Get some holiday "cheer" in you
5 - Hugs and kisses for everyone
Repeat as necessary. Merry Christmas.

Wednesday December 26, 2012

“Never attack a problem without also presenting a solution.” – Jim Rohn   
 A) Warm-up well
B) 3 Minute Leg Routine
You will perform as many repetitions as possible in a continuous (non-stop) 3 minute routine broken into 20 second increments.
Here's what to do:
A) Start a timer or watch a clock and then:
B) Perform Jumping Squats for 20 seconds
C) Perform Squats for 20 seconds
D) Perform a Squat Hold (drop into a full squat position and hold) for 20 seconds
Repeat these 3 exercises every 20 seconds until 3 minutes (3 rounds) have been completed. Recover for 2 minutes before going to the next routine.
C) Today's Routine
Perform the following 5 exercises in a 12, 10, 8, 6, 4 repetition format, whereby you will do each exercise for 12 repetitions (left AND right where merited), then 10 repetitions, then 8 and so on until 4. Here are the exercises. Click the link for a video demonstration of each.
SLDL and reach with Medicine Ball (or light weight)
1 Leg Elevated Push-up
Bent Over "Y" Raises
Single Leg Hip/Thigh Extensions (L & R)
Reaching Planks (L & R)

Thursday December 27, 2012
“Without effort, you cannot be prosperous. Though the land be good, you cannot have an abundant crop without cultivation.” Plato 
Recovery Day
Go for a leisurely walk or bike ride.
Breathe the air, listen to the birds and look at the sky.

Friday December 28, 2012
A choice between two good things is the hardest choice there is. - Dorn of Islandia
A) Warm-up Well
B) Bodyweight "500" Routine
Perform 50 reps of each exercise for the following 10 exercises:
1) Prisoner Squat
2) Push-up
3) Mountain Jumpers
4) Strongman Crunch (25 L & R)
5) Dumbbell RDL to Reverse Lunge
6) T-Stabilization (25 L & R)
7) Walking Lunges (50 L & R)
8) Bench Dips (Keep your back next to the bench, like in the video)
9) Squat Jumps
10) Hip/Thigh Extension on toes (25 L & R) 

Saturday December 29, 2012
"Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence."Vince Lombardi
Follow Thursday's routine...