We help YOU, the busy man or woman get the look, feel or physical performance capability YOU want, in the time YOU have, without disruption to YOUR daily life.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Week #3

Here we are at the third week of a glorious 4 week cycle of training at The Firestorm Fitness Systems Fat Burning Fit Camps and you're invited to come join us and get 2 weeks FREE! Just click here for more details or email me at steve@firestormfitness.com

Week 3 – Day 1
"I only had a high school education and believe me, I had to cheat to get that." - Sparky Anderson
A – Dynamic Warm-up and Hip Mobility
B – Tube Stabilization and Rotations
For Time:
Box Jump (or Bulgarian Squats per leg)
DB Thrusters
Kettle Bell Swings
Renegade Row (total)

Week 3 - Day 2
"A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song." - Lou Holtz
A) Warm up: Lunge stretch - lateral band X walk - inchworms (60s at each)
B) Four Phase Training
Two minutes rest between Phases.
Phase One:
Slide Lunge with Overhead Press (60s each leg)
Push Up Variations (60s)
Plank (60s)
Side Plank (60s each side)
Phase Two:
Single Leg RDL (60s each leg)
High Stretch Tube Straight Arm Rows (60s)
Reverse Crunch (60s)
T-push ups (60s)
Burpees (60s)
Phase Three:
Single Leg Dead lift (60s each)
Dips (60s)
Reverse Plank (60s)
Reverse Lunge (60s each leg)
Phase Four:
Squat Jump - Squat - Squat and Hold (20s each - 3 circuits)

Week 3 – Day 3
"Don't measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but by what you should have accomplished with your ability." - John Wooden
A. Dynamic Warm-up - Cal's - Hip Mobility
B. 4 x 4, Fun in the factory
In this workout there are FOUR stations - You move through each station after 60 seconds. This is a non-stop 4-minute circuit followed by a 2 minute rest. Today is 4 rounds.
The stations are:
1. Slam ball
2. Kettle bell Swings
3. Pikes
4. Squat/Row Combo w/tubing
**Rest 2 minutes**
*Repeat for FOUR total rounds*
C. 4 laps around Court for time

Week 1 – Day 4
"I always tell people I want to live to be 150 and they say why would you want to do that. I say, well there's a few people I haven't made mad yet, I want to get them." - Mike Ditka
A – Dynamic Warm-up and Hip Mobility
B – Schmitz Schmartz
10 reps of all exercises unless indicated differently until 14 minutes are up.
Round 1
Front to Back Lunges (10 on both sides)
Low Rows
Round 2
Slide Lunges
Tuck Jumps (or 5 Turkish Get-ups)
Rope Pushups