We're into the second week of a glorious 4 week cycle of training at The Firestorm Fitness Systems Fat Burning Fit Camps and you're invited to come join us and get 2 weeks FREE! Just click here for more details or email me at steve@firestormfitness.com and be sure to read the new blog at http://firestormfitcamps.com/
Monday June 15
"Ability is of little account without opportunity." - Lucille Ball
A – Calisthenics and Stretching
B – Fun, fun, and even more fun...for 8 minutes!
Superset each of the two exercises for 8 minutes (AMRAP) in 12 repetition increments
A1 – Spiderman Pushup
A2 – Squat & Tube Row Combo
B1 – Jumping Slamball
B2 – KB Swing
C1 – Slide Lunge (per leg)
C2 – Strongman Crunch (per side)
Tuesday June 16
"I owe it all to little chocolate donuts." - John Belushi
A – Calisthenics and Hip Mobility
B – Partner sprints with burpees
5 Rounds for Time of:
7 Side Plank Tube Presses (per side)
14 DB Thrusters
21 Dips
150 Jump Rope
Thursday June 18
"Age is strictly a case of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." - Jack Benny
A – Dynamic Warm-up, Hip Mobility and Planking
B – 20, 15, 10 Leg Matrix
C – 20 Minutes AMRAP
20 Kettle Swings
20 Slam Ball
10 Bent-Over Row
10 Burpees
1 Suicide Sprint
Friday June 19
"In the land of the skunks he who has half a nose is king." - Chris Farley
A - Warmup
B - Band Assisted Shuffles
C - Escalation Destination
Clean & press :30 per hand Rest :30
Clean & press :30 per hand, Swing :30 per hand, Rest :30
Clean & press :30 per hand, Swing :30 per hand, Y-squat :30, Rest :30
Clean & press :30 per hand, Swing :30 per hand, Y-squat :30, Pushup :30, Rest :30
Clean & press :30 per hand, Swing :30 per hand, Y-squat :30, Pushup :30, Renegade Row :30 per hand.
Rest 2:00.
Reverse order and perform again.