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Friday, March 6, 2009

Spring Break - Off Week Training

This is our "off week" from training at the Factory, so you're on your own. But fear not, I've given you some guidelines to work from. I hope you enjoy them and we'll see you on the 16th here.

Click on any of the links below to see a demonstration of the exercise.

Day One
Do a good warm-up and then…
1. Bottom-2-Bottom Tabata Squats x 6 intervals(1 interval = 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest)
2. Run 400 Meters
3. 15 Push-Ups
4. 35 Hands Held Overhead Siff Lunges (on the balls of your feet)
5. Bottom-2-Bottom Tabata Squats x 4 Intervals
6. Run 800 Meters
7. 15 Push-Ups
8. 35 Hands Held Overhead Siff Lunges
9. Bottom-2-Bottom Tabata Squats x 6 Intervals
10. Run 400 Meters

Day Two
Do a good warm-up and then…
As Many Rounds as Possible (AMRAP) in 20 Minutes:
7 Turkish Get-ups
7 Burpees
7 Squat Jumps
7 Reverse Crunches
7 Dips
7 Hip/Thigh Extensions (per leg)
7 Pliá Lunges

Day Three
Do a good warm-up and then…
Round 1
Squats: 24 reps
Alternating Lunges: 12 reps each leg
Alternating Jumping Lunge : 12 reps each leg
Squat Jumps: 24 reps
**Time the set, rest the same time it took you to do the set and repeat.
Round 2
21, 15, 9 with a sprint
Reverse Crunch
Spiderman Push-up
Bench Dips
2 x 30 yard sprint (perform at the end of each segment of 21, 15, and 9)

Day Four
Do a good warm-up and then…
1. Sprint 40 yards and skip back
2. 25 Close Grip Pushups
3. Walking Lunge x 25 yards
4. 30 Bicycles (click the link for a demo)
5. Sprint 40 yards and back pedal return
6. Broad Jump x 25 yards
7. Sprint 40 yards, carioca back
8. Pushups x 15
*Repeat for as many complete rounds as you can in 25 minutes*