We're past the halfway point in this session's journey toward a lean, sleek and muscular physique and things are starting to heat up. I am proud to say that, because of their level of intensity, dedication to excellence and perseverance, I work with a bunch of losers. Almost to an individual they are less than what they were when they started with me. That, my friends, makes me feel good!
Here, for your approval, is this weeks training protocol.
Here, for your approval, is this weeks training protocol.
Just one of the hundred or so roses blossoming on the bush just outside my bedroom window. And, MAN, do they smell terrific!
Monday April 2 - Week 3 Day 1
"Some people dream of success while others wake up and achieve it."- Unknown
A. Dynamic Warm-up & Hip Mobility
B. Card Sharks
Break up into teams of three to four. Each player draws their own cards but chip away at the deck as a team. Play two games.
Hearts = Prisoner Squats
Diamonds = Push-ups
Spades = Rows
Clubs = Turkish Get-ups with implements
2, 3, 4 = 20, 30 or 40 seconds of planks
Joker = Team sprints to end of court and back
Ace = 11, face cards = 10
C. Run four laps for time.
D. Post training stretching
Tuesday April 3 - Week 3 Day 2
"The turning point toward change and action is not the infilling of the mind but the exercising of the will."- Chris Widener
A – Dynamic Warm-up
B - Lunges from Hell
Use cones to mark 4 lanes of travel, ½ of court. Count number of steps of first lunge station. Perform intermittent training exercises “that many reps” at each subsequent station.
5 to 8 rounds or 20 minutes.
1. Walking lunge on tip-toe
2. Push-ups x that many reps
3. 2 long step, 4 short step lunges x that many reps
4. Med Ball Slams x that many reps
5. Reverse lunges x that many reps
6. Dips x that many reps
7. Plia Lunges that many reps
8. Sit-ups x that many reps
C – What the…?
1. Standing Rows x 15
2. Bicycles x 50
3. Med Ball Wood chop x 15 per side
4. Dumbbell Push Press x 15
2 – 5 rounds.
D – Post Training Stretching
Here's our eleven year old Key Lime tree. It's been in a large pot until yesterday (3/31/07) and is now the newest addition to our home.
Thursday April 5 - Week 3 Day 3
"We must all suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret."- Jim Rohn
A. Dynamic Warm-up - Cal's
B. Team races with some new and old Toys!
Divide the camp into TWO teams. Each team has, 3 Slam Balls, 3 Sit-up stations, 3 Burpee stations, 2 Heavy Med Ball stations, 3 kettle bells and 2 tires. Score as many points as you can on each station. Play two 12 – 14 minute games
1. Burpee x 10 = 1 point
2. Slam Ball x 15 = 1 point
3. Heavy Med Ball Thruster x 20 = 1 point
4. Kettle bell Swings x 25 = 1 point
5. Sit-ups x 30 = 1 point
6. Tire sprint to the end of court then back = 1 point
C. Post Training Stretching
Friday April 6 - Week 3 Day 4
"Bite off more than you can chew; then chew it."- Ella Williams
A – Lunge series, planking and light calisthenics
B – Deal Your Own Demise
Pick a rep count and match it to an exercise: 50, 40, 30, 20, 10.
- Dumbbell high pull
- High tube rows
- Goblet squat
- Broad jump
- High step-up
**Work from 50 back. Ex: 1st exercise x 50, 2nd exercise x 40, etc.**Go through twice
C – Pet Rock-21, 15, 9
Kettle bell swing x 21
Kettle bell lunge x 21 each leg
Kettle bell swing x 15
Kettle bell lunge x 15 each leg
Kettle bell swing x 9
Kettle bell lunge x 9 each leg
D- Post Training Stretching
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