Wow! Is it that time again already? Is it really time to turn up the heat and let the fat melting begin?
You Bet!
Here's this week's view of training. (Pssst! Wanna get in on the fun? Click here)
Monday April 23 - Day 1
"Every choice moves us closer to or farther away from something. Where are your choices taking your life? What do your behaviors demonstrate that you are saying yes or no to in life?"
- Eric Allenbaugh
A. Dynamic Warm-up, Calisthenics, Hip Mobility
B. Diablo Medicine Ball Hurl with a Partner
Measure out 40 yards. Start by running out and back (the 80 yard sprint) then hurl the medicine ball across the distance. You are not allowed to run with the ball. You must do WALKING LUNGES to the ball, pick it up, and throw it to move forward. Once you have gone 40 yards with the hurls, you have completed one round. Start the next round by running out and back again.
The "Medicine ball Hurls" can be done any way you want. Underhand, overhead, side arm, etc are all legal in this case.
1. Run 80 yards
2. Hurl 20lb medicine ball 40 yards with WALKING LUNGE in between
*Play 3 rounds per person*
C. Baseball
Set up 4 “bases” around the court. Break into two “teams.” At each base perform the required number of repetitions as listed on the base. Cross “home plate” and score a point for your team. We will play two 10 minute games.
D. Cool Down and Stretching
Tuesday April 24 - Day 2
"I've learned to not sweat the petty things, and not pet the sweaty things."
A. Dynamic Warm-up
C. That’s just wrong...
1. Bulgarian Squats x 5 per leg
2. Dive bomber push-ups x 10
3. Chin-2-knees x 15
*As many rounds as you can in 12 minutes
D. Creep along...
1. Bear crawl x 15 yards
2. Walking lunge-squat jump x 15 yards
3. Back pedal x 35 yards
4. Skip for distance x 60 yards
*As many rounds as you can in 12 minutes
E. Post Training Stretching
April 26 - Day 3
"Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can." Arthur Ashe
A. Dynamic Warm-up - Shuttle runs
B. Bounce to this...30:3 - 24:2 - 18:1 - 12:1
Round ONE - 30 Reps each
Broad Jump x 30
Walking Lunge x 30 (each leg)
Step-ups x 30 (each leg)
Pushups x 30
Dips x 30
Run x THREE laps around court
Round TWO - 24 Reps each
Broad Jump x 24
Walking Lunge x 24 (each leg)
Step-ups x 24 (each leg)
Pushups x 24
Dips x 24
Run x TWO laps around court
Round THREE - 18 Reps each
Broad Jump x 18
Walking Lunge x 18 (each leg)
Step-ups x 18 (each leg)
Pushups x 18
Dips x 18
Run x ONE lap around court
Round FOUR - 12 Reps each
Broad Jump x 12
Walking Lunge x 12 (each leg)
Step-ups x 12 (each leg)
Pushups x 12Dips x 12
Run x ONE lap around court
C. Cool Down & Stretching
Friday April 27 - Day 4
"Nothing stops the man who desires to achieve. Every obstacle is simply a course to develop his achievement muscle. It's a strengthening of his powers of accomplishment."
A. Hip Mobility - Cal's
B. Riverfront Gambling - Team training
Each team has a deck of cards. Each person on the team flips their own card while others flip their own respective cards. Perform the number shown on the flipped card. It is an individual effort but you chip away at the deck as a team.
First Game:
Hearts = Sky and Ground Squat
Diamonds = Reverse Crunch
Clubs = Burpee
Spades = Pushup
*Ace = 11*
Face cards = 10
We threw out the 2's, 3's and 4's
Flip a JOKER = Entire team sprints the court, plus you do 10 reps of each exercise!
Hearts = Sky and Ground Squat
Diamonds = Bicycles
Clubs = Dumbbell Push Press
Spades = Dip
Flip a JOKER = Entire team sprints the courts, plus you do 20 reps of each exercise!
Multiply the number shown x the card flipped - So flip an Ace of hearts and roll a 4 and you have 44 Burpees! :
Hearts = Burpee
Diamonds = Pushup
Clubs = Dumbbell Push Press
Spades = Dip
Flip a JOKER = Entire team sprints the court, plus you do 10 reps of each exercise!
C. Post Training Stretching
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