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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Week #4 of January 2010

Monday January 25, 2010
"The true measure of an individual is how he treats a person who can do him absolutely no good." – Ann Landers
A. Hip Mobility - Cal's
B. Riverfront Gambling - Team training
Each team has a deck of cards. Each person on the team flips their own card while others flip their own respective cards. Perform the number shown on the flipped card. It is an individual effort but you chip away at the deck as a team.
First Game:
Hearts = Tunnel Squats
Diamonds = Body Saw
Clubs = Burpee
Spades = Pushup
*Ace = 11
*Face cards = 10
We threw out the 2's, 3's and 4's
Flip a JOKER = Entire team sprints the court, plus you do 10 reps of each exercise!
Hearts = Sky and Ground Squat
Diamonds = Reaching Planks
Clubs = Dumbbell Push Press
Spades = Dip
Flip a JOKER = Entire team sprints the court, plus you do 20 reps of each exercise!

Tuesday January 26, 2010
"Pain is inevitable, but misery is optional. We cannot avoid pain, but we can avoid joy." - Tim Hansel
A – Dynamic Warm-up and Hip Mobility
B – Breakin’ it down...bit by bit!
Round #1 – Chest x 2 sets
20 Push ups
30 Standing resistance band presses
30 Standing resistance band flies
10 Push ups
Round #2 – Legs x 2 sets
Squats: 24 reps
Alternating Lunges: 12 reps each leg
Alternating Lunge Jumps: 12 reps each leg
Squat Jumps: 24 reps
Round #3 – Backside x 2 sets
20 Rows
20 Renegade rows (per side)
30 Standing resistance band rows
30 Bent over resistance band pulls

Thursday January 27, 2010
“In the area of character, you lose a lot quicker than you can get it back” - John Maxwell
A. Dynamic Warm-up
B. Fight Gone Bad in San Antonio
In this workout you have five stations
You move through each station after 60 seconds.
This is a non-stop 5-minute circuit followed by a 2 minute rest.
Today is 3 rounds. The stations are:
1. Jumping Slam ball
2. Burpees
3. DB Thrusters
4. High Steps ups
5. Rows
**Rest 2 minutes**
*Repeat for THREE total rounds*

Friday January 28, 2010
“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you respond to it.” - Lou Holtz
A – Calisthenics and Stretching
B – Fun, fun, and even more fun...for eight minutes!
Superset each of the two exercises for 8 minutes (AMRAP) in 6 repetition increments
A1 – Push-up & Pike Combo
A2 – Reverse Lunge & Tube Row Combo

B1 – Wall Ball
B2 – KB Swing

C1 – DB Squat & Hold for 4 seconds
C2 – Rock The Boats

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