We help YOU, the busy man or woman get the look, feel or physical performance capability YOU want, in the time YOU have, without disruption to YOUR daily life.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Final week of this session of class - Monday October 25 - Friday October 29, 2010

Monday October 25, 2010
"Jealous: Unduly concerned about the preservation of that which can be lost only if not worth keeping." - Ambrose Bierce
A. Dynamic Warm-up and Hip Mobility
B. 50-10 x 4 Rounds Circuit
1. Jumping Slam ball
2. Kettle bell Squat & High Pull
3. Loaded Side Plank Hip Raise
4. Squat/Row Combo w/tubing
5. Heel Elevated SL Hip Extensions

Tuesday October 26, 2010
Do not worry about your difficulties in Mathematics. I can assure you mine are still greater." - Albert Einstein
A - Warm-up
B - 20 - 10 training
20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest X 8 rounds
1. 1-Arm KB Swings
2a. Push -Band-Resisted Push-up
2b. Pull -See-Saw Bent-Over Rows
3. Split Squat & Hold
4. Mountain Jumpers
**1 Minute Rest Between Sets

Thursday October 28, 2010
"I fight on, I fight to win." - Margaret Thatcher
A - Dynamic Warm-up and Hip Mobility
B - 40/20 Training
Contralateral Bulgarian Squat & Press
Sliding Ham Curls
Body Saw/Pikes
Spiderman Push Ups

Friday October 29, 2010
"Part of the secret of success in life is to eat what you like and let the food fight it out inside." - Mark Twain
A - Warm Up
B - Continuous 20 Minute Routine
1 - Kneeling Band Drive-over X 10
2 - Push Up X 10
3 - DB Braced AB Squat X 10
4 - 10 Count Prone Cobra X 10

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