We help YOU, the busy man or woman get the look, feel or physical performance capability YOU want, in the time YOU have, without disruption to YOUR daily life.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Well here it is...your last training program for 2011. Be sure and hit it hard and with a vengeance and always remember: it isn't so much what you do between Christmas and New Year's that makes or breaks you, it's what you do between New Year's and Christmas!

I'll see you next year!
Day 1
A) Warm-up well

B) Sprint & Push-ups Routine
In an open area, like a field, parking lot or track, sprint for 15 seconds or about 100 yards. Immediately upon finishing your sprint, drop to the ground and perform 10 STRICT (body straight, hips tight, elbows near your side, reach for the ground with the chest) push-ups. Recover by walking back to the starting point. Upon reaching the starting point, immediately repeat the sprint/push-ups combo.
Do this for 10 to 15 rounds.

Day 2
A) Warm-up well
B) 3 Minute Leg Routine
You will perform as many repetitions as possible in a continuous (non-stop) 3 minute routine broken into 20 second increments.
Here's what to do:
A) Start a timer or watch a clock and then:
B) Perform Jumping Squats for 20 seconds
C) Perform Squats for 20 seconds
D) Perform a Squat Hold (drop into a full squat position and hold) for 20 seconds
Repeat these 3 exercises every 20 seconds until 3 minutes (3 rounds) have been completed. Recover for 2 minutes before going to the next routine.
C) Today's Routine
Perform the following 5 exercises in a 12, 10, 8, 6, 4 repetition format, whereby you will do each exercise for 12 repetitions (left AND right where merited), then 10 repetitions, then 8 and so on until 4. Here are the exercises. Click the link for a video demonstration of each.
SLDL and reach with Medicine Ball (or light weight)
1 Leg Elevated Push-up
Bent Over "Y" Raises
Single Leg Hip/Thigh Extensions (L & R)
Reaching Planks (L & R)

Day 3
A) Warm-up Well
B) Bodyweight "500" Routine
Perform 50 reps of each exercise for the following 10 exercises:
1) Prisoner Squat
2) Push-up
3) Mountain Jumpers
4) Strongman Crunch (25 L & R)
5) Dumbbell RDL to Reverse Lunge
6) T-Stabilization (25 L & R)
7) Walking Lunges (50 L & R)
8) Bench Dips (Keep your back next to the bench, like in the video)
9) Squat Jumps
10) Hip/Thigh Extension on toes (25 L & R)

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Final Week of 2011 - Monday December 19 - Thursday December 22, 2011

Monday December 19, 2011
“To carry a grudge is like being stung to death by one bee.” – William Walton
A – Warm-up
B – 30/15 X 4
30 seconds of work, 15 seconds of rest X 6 exercises then 60 second rest & repeat
Walking MB Lunge & Lateral Reach
SL Deadlift w/ DB
Band Resisted Hip Walk
Strongman Crunch
Spiderman Pushup
KB Swing

Tuesday December 20, 2011
“Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide how anybody or anything outside ourselves will affect us.” – Stephen Covey
A - Dynamic Warmup & Hip Mobility
B – Adrenaline Abs 10/5 Repeats
Repeat the following 2 exercises for 5 minutes in 10 second increments followed by a 5 second transition. You will have a 1 minute rest between sets.
A1 – Pushups
A2 – Bird Dog Plank Hold

B1 – 1 Arm DB Clean & Press
B2 – SL Hip Extension Hold

C1 – Jumping Squats
C2 – Side Plank

Wednesday December 21, 2011
“Discovery consists in seeing what everyone else has seen and thinking what no one else has thought.” – Albert Szent-Gyorgi
A - Warm-up
B - 50 - 10 training
50 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest X 4 rounds
Walking KB Swing
Push-up, Body Saw & Pike Combo
Jumping Split Squats
Band Squat & Row
Long Plank Hold to Plank Hold

Thursday December 22, 2011
“Thus I reel from desire to fulfillment and in fulfillment languish for desire.” – Goethe
A - Warm-up and Hip Mobility
B - 30/30 Training
Knee Friendly Lunge w/MB
Alternating Grip Pushups
High Knee Skips
Surfer Jumps with Heel Touch

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Week #3 - Monday December 12 thru Friday December 16, 2011

Monday December 12, 2011
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” - Leonardo da Vinci
A - Warm-up and Hip Mobility
B - 30/30 Training
Knee Friendly Lunge w/MB
Spiderman Push Up
Band Tug-of-War
DB Seated “V” Press
KB Swing

Tuesday December 13, 2011
“We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” - George Bernard Shaw
A – Warm-up
B – 60/30 Strength/Cardio Session
60 seconds of work, 30 seconds of rest, 2 exercises X’s 2 “rounds” then 60 second rest & transition
Superset Station#1:
1 – Renegade Row & Press
2 – "Suicide" Sprints
Superset Station#2:
1 – SL Hip Extension
2 – Band Resisted Lateral Crawl & Side Shuffle
Superset Station#3:
1 – KB Squat & O/H Press
2 – Reverse Lunge & Alternating Waves w/Ropes

Thursday December 15, 2011
"Do not confuse motion and progress. A rocking horse keeps moving but does not make any progress." - Alfred A. Montapert
A - Warm-up
B - 50 - 10 training
50 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest X 4 rounds
KB Swing
Bottom Position Pushup Hold, 4 seconds
Squat w/ 4 Second Hold
½ Kneeling 1 Arm Band Reach & Row
SL Plank

Friday December 16, 2011
"Me and George and Billy are two of a kind." - Mickey Rivers, on his relationship with George Steinbrenner and Billy Martin
A – Warm-up
B – 30 Second Ladder Progressions

Perform a movement for 30 seconds, then take 30 seconds rest. Add a 30 second movement each round followed by 30 seconds rest until all exercises are completed.
1 – Reverse Plank Hold
2 – SL Hip Hinge w/Rotation
3 – Triceps Push Up
4 – SL Figure 4 Hip Extension
5 – Corkscrew Push Up
6 – Skater Hops
7 – Hands Over the Line
8 – Mountain Jumpers

Monday, November 28, 2011

Week #2 - Monday December 5 thru Friday December 9, 2011

Monday December 5, 2011
“Without effort, you cannot be prosperous. Though the land be good, you cannot have an abundant crop without cultivation.”
A - Warm Up
B - Tempo Intervals - Isometric

4 exercises X 6 "rounds" of 10 seconds of work and 5 seconds rest. 30 seconds between rounds. Repeat twice for each exercise.
1 - Close Stance Band Resisted Pushup Hold
2 - Feet Elevated Side Plank Hold
3 - SL Balance Hold w/ Leg & Arm Movement
4 -
SL Balance Hold w/ Leg & Arm Movement
5 - SL Squat Hold Variation

Tuesday December 6, 2011
“The longer we dwell on our misfortunes, the greater is their power to harm us.” – Voltaire
A - Warm Up
B - The Mad Minute

20 seconds of work, 0 seconds rest X 3 rounds followed by 1 minute rest & transition. 10 total cycles.
1 - Battle Ropes Complex (Jumping Jacks, Split Jacks, Seal Jacks)
2 - Bodyweight Complex (Sprint in Place, Skater Jumps, Squat Jumps)
3 - Kettlebell Complex (1 Arm Swing L & R, 2 Arm Swing)
4 - Band Complex (Band OH Press, Band Squats, Band Hammer Curls)
5 - Push Up/Plank Complex (Mountain Climbers, Side Plank reach & Rotate L&R)

Thursday December 8, 2011
“The truth is both confrontational and controversial.” - Edwin Louis Cole
A - Warm Up
B - The WARRIOR Circuit

5 Exercises X 4 Rounds. 40 seconds of work, 20 seconds rest.
1 - Burpees
2 - Band Squat Hold & Row
3 - Weighted Bent Knee Hip Extensions
4 - DB Split Squat & Press
5 - Air Jump Rope

Friday December 9, 2011
“In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity” — Albert Einstein
A - Warm Up
B - Bodybuilding Bootcamp Training

30 seconds of work, 30 seconds of rest for a single exercise X 4 rounds followed by 1 minute rest. 4 exercise circuit.
1 - DB Goblet Squats
2 - SL Push Ups
3 - KB SL Hip Hinge
4 - Split Squat Hold & Band Row
Metabolic Finisher - Speed Punches!