We help YOU, the busy man or woman get the look, feel or physical performance capability YOU want, in the time YOU have, without disruption to YOUR daily life.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Week #2 - Monday December 5 thru Friday December 9, 2011

Monday December 5, 2011
“Without effort, you cannot be prosperous. Though the land be good, you cannot have an abundant crop without cultivation.”
A - Warm Up
B - Tempo Intervals - Isometric

4 exercises X 6 "rounds" of 10 seconds of work and 5 seconds rest. 30 seconds between rounds. Repeat twice for each exercise.
1 - Close Stance Band Resisted Pushup Hold
2 - Feet Elevated Side Plank Hold
3 - SL Balance Hold w/ Leg & Arm Movement
4 -
SL Balance Hold w/ Leg & Arm Movement
5 - SL Squat Hold Variation

Tuesday December 6, 2011
“The longer we dwell on our misfortunes, the greater is their power to harm us.” – Voltaire
A - Warm Up
B - The Mad Minute

20 seconds of work, 0 seconds rest X 3 rounds followed by 1 minute rest & transition. 10 total cycles.
1 - Battle Ropes Complex (Jumping Jacks, Split Jacks, Seal Jacks)
2 - Bodyweight Complex (Sprint in Place, Skater Jumps, Squat Jumps)
3 - Kettlebell Complex (1 Arm Swing L & R, 2 Arm Swing)
4 - Band Complex (Band OH Press, Band Squats, Band Hammer Curls)
5 - Push Up/Plank Complex (Mountain Climbers, Side Plank reach & Rotate L&R)

Thursday December 8, 2011
“The truth is both confrontational and controversial.” - Edwin Louis Cole
A - Warm Up
B - The WARRIOR Circuit

5 Exercises X 4 Rounds. 40 seconds of work, 20 seconds rest.
1 - Burpees
2 - Band Squat Hold & Row
3 - Weighted Bent Knee Hip Extensions
4 - DB Split Squat & Press
5 - Air Jump Rope

Friday December 9, 2011
“In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity” — Albert Einstein
A - Warm Up
B - Bodybuilding Bootcamp Training

30 seconds of work, 30 seconds of rest for a single exercise X 4 rounds followed by 1 minute rest. 4 exercise circuit.
1 - DB Goblet Squats
2 - SL Push Ups
3 - KB SL Hip Hinge
4 - Split Squat Hold & Band Row
Metabolic Finisher - Speed Punches!

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