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Saturday, March 10, 2012

Spring Break Session Training - Monday March 12 - Saturday March 17, 2012

Day 1A) Warm-up well
B) Sprint & Push-ups Routine
In an open area, like a field, parking lot or track, sprint for 15 seconds or about 100 yards. Immediately upon finishing your sprint, drop to the ground and perform 10 STRICT (body straight, hips tight, elbows near your side, reach for the ground with the chest) push-ups. Recover by walking back to the starting point. Upon reaching the starting point, immediately repeat the sprint/push-ups combo.
Do this for 10 to 15 rounds.

Day 2
Active Recovery Day
Go for a good long walk...

Day 3
A) Warm-up well
B) 3 Minute Leg Routine
You will perform as many repetitions as possible in a continuous (non-stop) 3 minute routine broken into 20 second increments.
Here's what to do:
A) Start a timer or watch a clock and then:
B) Perform Jumping Squats for 20 seconds
C) Perform Squats for 20 seconds
D) Perform a Squat Hold (drop into a full squat position and hold) for 20 seconds
Repeat these 3 exercises every 20 seconds until 3 minutes (3 rounds) have been completed. Recover for 2 minutes before going to the next routine.
C) Today's Routine
Perform the following 5 exercises in a 14, 12, 10, 8, 6 repetition format, whereby you will do each exercise for 14 repetitions (left AND right where merited), then 12 repetitions, then 10 and so on until 6. Here are the exercises. Click the link for a video demonstration of each.

Day 4
Active Recovery
Go for a good long walk...

Day 5
A) Warm-up Well
B) Bodyweight "500" Routine
Perform 50 reps of each exercise for the following 10 exercises:
2) Push-up
4) Strongman Crunch (25 L & R)
6) T-Stabilization (25 L & R)
7) Walking Lunges (50 L & R)
8) Bench Dips (Keep your back next to the bench, like in the video)
9) Squat Jumps
10) Hip/Thigh Extension on toes (25 L & R)

Day 6
Active Recovery
Go for a good long walk...

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