We help YOU, the busy man or woman get the look, feel or physical performance capability YOU want, in the time YOU have, without disruption to YOUR daily life.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Week #2 - "A Step Back In Time" - Monday April 29 - Saturday May 4, 2013

Monday April 29, 2013
“The few who do are the envy of the many who only watch.” – Jim Rohn
A – Dynamic Warm-up and Hip Mobility
B – Schmitz Schmartz

10 reps of all exercises unless indicated differently until 10 minutes are up. Rest 2 minutes between rounds.

Round 1
DB Goblet Squats
Front to Back Lunges (10 on both sides)
Gallows Row

Round 2
Slide Lunges (10 per side)
Mountain Jumpers
Close Grip Push Ups
KB Swings

C – Finish:
15/15 Bag Work & Jump Squats

Tuesday April 30, 2013
“It is hard to just suddenly create a great thing.”
– Me
A – Calisthenics and Planking
B – “I Go – You Go” Partner Rows

Partner up. Perform 30 “I Go – You Go” Band Squat & Row.

C – Today’s Training Protocol
4 Rounds of:
7 Side Plank Band Press (per side)
14 DB Squat & Press
21 Gallows Push Ups
100 Jump Rope

C – Finish: 20/10 Mountain Climbs & Jump Split Squats

Wednesday May 1, 2013
“Luck may sometimes help; work always helps.”
– Unknown
A) Warm up: Lunge stretch - lateral band X walk - inchworms (60s at each)

B) Four Phase Training
Two minutes rest between Phases.

Phase One:

Reverse Lunge with Overhead Press (60s each leg)
Push Up Variations (60s)
Plank (60s)
Side Plank (30s each side)

Phase Two:

Single Hip Hinge (60s each leg)
½ Squat Alternate Band Rows (60s)
Strongman Crunch (60s)
T-Push Ups (60s)
Burpees (60s)

Phase Three:

Single Leg Dead Lift (60s each)
Dips (60s)
Table Top (60s)
Reverse Lunge (60s each leg)

Phase Four:

Squat Jump - Squat - Squat and Hold (20s, 15s, 10s each - 3 circuits)

Thursday May 2, 2013
“Some minds are like concrete, thoroughly mixed and permanently set.” - Unknown
A – Dynamic Warm-up and Hip Mobility
B – Just a roll of the dice
Six stations are set-up around the facility. Roll the die to determine what station to progress to and follow the instructions at that station. We will play two twelve minute games.

Friday May 3, 2013
"When a person trains once, nothing happens. When a person forces himself to do a thing a hundred or a thousand times, then he certainly has developed in more ways than physical. Is it raining? That doesn't matter. Am I tired? That doesn't matter, either. Then willpower will be no problem." –
Emil Zatopek
A – Lunge series, planking and light calisthenics

B – Deal Your Own Demise

Pick a rep count and match it to an exercise: 50, 40, 30, 20, 10.

- MB Jump & Slam

- Gallows Rows
- Goblet squat with Kettle Bell
- SL DB Hip Hinge
- High step-up or Bulgarian Squats
**Work from 50 back. Ex: 1st exercise x 50, 2nd exercise x 40, etc.

**Go through twice

C – Pet Rock -21, 15, 9

Kettle bell swing x 21

Kettle bell lunge x 21 each leg

Kettle bell swing x 15

Kettle bell lunge x 15 each leg

Kettle bell swing x 9

Kettle bell lunge x 9 each leg

Saturday May 4, 2013
“God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today.  Have you used one to say ‘thank you?’" – William A. Ward
Stacking KB & Bodyweight exercises
Swing :30 per hand
Rest :30
Swing :30 per hand, Pushup :30,
Rest :30
Swing :30 per hand, Pushup :30, Prisoner Squat :30
Rest :30
Swing :30 per hand, Pushup :30, Prisoner Squat :30, Underhand Row :30 per hand
Rest :30
Swing :30 per hand, Pushup :30, Prisoner Squat :30, Underhand Row :30 per hand, Clean and press :30 per hand

Rest: 30
Swing :30 per hand, Pushup :30, Prisoner Squat :30, Underhand Row :30 per hand, Clean and press :30 per hand, Squat & High Pull :30

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