We help YOU, the busy man or woman get the look, feel or physical performance capability YOU want, in the time YOU have, without disruption to YOUR daily life.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Week #1 of Session #19

Week 1 – Day 1
“Toughness is in the soul and spirit, not in muscles.”- Alex Karras
A) Dynamic Warm-up and Hip Mobility
B) Jump Rope Series
Partner up. Partner “A” jumps rope while running to the wall. When they get there they do 15 Mountain Climbers and then jumps/runs back while partner “B” jumps in place. Repeat three times.
C) Tabata Squats
20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest x 8 rounds
D) Towers of Power
Perform each of the following movements in order of their appearance. Two rounds of 10 minutes each.
1) DB Renegade Push-up & Row x 10 per side
2) Turkish Get-up with Sandbag x 12
3) Walking Lunge and Twist with Med Ball x 15 per leg
4) Kettlebell Swing x 25
5) Toe Touch Crunches with Feet Elevated in “V” x 25
6) Ground & Sky Squats x 20
E) Cool Down and Stretching

Week 1 – Day 2
"It is not enough to be busy. So are the ants. The question is: What are we busy about?" – Henry David Thoreau
A. Dynamic Warm-up
B. Fight Gone Bad in San Antonio
In this workout you have five stations - You move through each station after 60 seconds. This is a non-stop 5-minute circuit followed by a 2 minute rest. Today is 3 rounds.
The stations are:
1. Slam ball
2. Burpees
3. DB Push Press
4. Box Jumps or High Steps ups
5. Siff Goblet Squats
**Rest 2 minutes**
*Repeat for THREE total rounds*
C. Sprint ends/run sides x 6 laps for time
D. Post Training Stretching

Week 1 – Day 3
"The beginning is the most important part of the work." – Plato
A. Calisthenics - Hip Mobility - Court Skips
B. Team races!
Divide the camp into TWO teams. Each team has 3 Slam Balls, 3 Sit-up stations, 3 Burpee stations, 2 kettle bells and 1 long runway. Score as many points as you can on each station.
We will play two 12 - 15 minute games
1. Sprint with tire to end of court and back = 1 point
2. Burpee x 10 = 1 point
3. Slam Ball x 15 = 1 point
4. Kettle bell Swings x 20 = 1 point
5. Reverse Crunch x 25 = 1 point
C. Post Training Stretching

Week 1 – Day 4

"He who refuses to embrace a unique opportunity loses the prize as surely as if he had failed." - William James
A. Dynamic Warm-up

B. Squats and…
1. Prisoner squats x 15
2. Dive Bomber Push-ups x 10
3. Chin-2-knees x 15
*As many rounds as you can in 12 minutes
D. Creep along...
1. Crab walk x 10 yards
2. Walking lunge & 3 squat jumps x 30 yards
3. Duck Walk x 20 yards
3. Skip for distance x 60 yards
*As many rounds as you can in 12 minutes
E. Post Training Cool Down & Stretching

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